
I had a matte green vintage Remington portable on which I typed all my high school papers, despite the fact that electric typewriters had in fact been invented by then. It had personality. And no one in our house ever had to ask me if I was doing my homework; that fact was percussively broadcast. I’d put a typewriter emoji here, but there isn’t one!

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The Rolodex is good, but still no typewriter!

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Jennifer Wilson, Oma Blaise Ford

This was delightful. It brought back so many memories and made me want to put my fingers on a real typewriter again. Thank you for that.

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I'm so glad you liked it! If you want to do some typing, you know a gal who has a few. : )

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That was such a joy to read! Took me right back to junior high typing classes. By the time I moved on to freshman high school typing class, we were using fancy electric typewriters. While the increased speed and quietness were appealing, I missed the clickety-clacking of the manual keys. That was such a meditative sound to me - especially a room full of manuals making that sound together.

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